Ways of preventing kidney stone


In the Name of God

Ardabil University of Medical Sciences

Valiasr Hospital of Meshginshahr

Topic: Ways of preventing kidney stone

Prepared by: Maryam azari

Supervised by: Educational supervisor

Confirmed by: Dr. Nesari(urologist)

Ways of preventing kidney stone

 Drink a glass of water each hour (at least 12 glasses each day).

 Don’t drink sweet, effervescent beverages containing caffeine (such as tea, coffee, soft drinks, energizers, etc.).

 Empty your bladder every two hours and avoid the stagnation of urine in the bladder.

 Don’t forget to walk, cycle, and exercise.

 Avoid the consumption of salt and foods that contain higher levels of salt (such as fast foods, canned foods, chips, etc.).

 Observe personal hygiene so as to avoid urinary tract infection. In case of having symptoms such as fever, shivering, stomachache, urinary incontinence, or blood in urine, see a doctor as soon as possible.

 Control your weight and include in your diet foods that contain fiber such as vegetable, whole-meal bread, and fruits.

 Those who are subject to kidney stone must have decreased levels of oxalate in their body. Foods that contain oxalate and their consumption should be avoided are potato, soybean, almond, peanut, chocolate, celery, spinach, parsley, tea, and whole grain.

 Eating of foods containing calcium must be restricted in individuals who are subject to kidney stone (in the case of stones formed from calcium). These foods include orange juice, soybean sauce, canned fish, cheese, butter, and milk. To compensate for the loss of calcium as the result of avoiding dairy, you can eat legumes (such as white bean, cowpea, split pea, and lentils), dried fig, turnip, sesame, Russian olive powder, barley porridge, and cabbage.

 Since acidic urine increases the probability of the formation of kidney stone and makes the excretion of kidney stone harder, eating foods with higher levels of acid (such as red meat, most of the fish like sardine, shrimp, rice, dairy like milk, ice cream, cheese, and butter) must be limited. Of course, it is not wise to remove protein from the diet completely; however, someone who is regularly afflicted with kidney stone must control these cases.

 Refer to a doctor every 6 months and get examined and tested.

 Common anti-acids contain higher levels of calcium. If your anti-acid also contains calcium, consult with your doctor and change it.

Those who are subject to form oxalate stones should avoid the consumption of vitamin C (kiwi, strawberry, sour cherry, broccoli) and vitamin D (mushroom, ham, chocolate milk).

Cares at home:

 Usually, antibiotics and tranquilizers are prescribed for a few days. Use them regularly as ordered by your doctor.

 Drink lots of water since the excretion of stones might continue even for 6 weeks after surgery. To help the excretion of stones, have a sufficient level of physical activity.

 Urinate in a container to see and collect the excreted stones for later tests.

 If double-J stent is used in your surgery, it is imaged 2-3 weeks before removal to control everything related to that. Then it is removed via cystoscopy.

Alerting symptoms:

 You might excrete blood together with urine, which can be eliminated by drinking lots of water.

 As long as double-J stent is in your ureter, you will be having bloody urine.

 In cases of having fever and shivering, severe pain, nausea, and vomiting, see your doctor. Also see your doctor 2 weeks after surgery to control everything

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Last Update At : 14 March 2022