Breaking up kidney stones through ureter


In the Name of God

Ardabil University of Medical Sciences

Valiasr Hospital of Meshginshahr

Breaking up kidney stones through ureter

Prepared by: Maryam azari

Supervised by: Educational supervisor

Confirmed by: Dr. Nesari(urologist)

Ureter stone:

Colic pain or renal colic is caused by the movement of kidney stones to the ureter. This pain is very severe which spreads to testicles in men and lower bladder in women. Nausea and vomiting are the most common symptoms. Drops of blood in urine and frequent urinations are also sometimes reported. In some cases, the stone’s getting stuck in the ureter can block the ureter and dilate the urinary system and kidneys.

Treatment procedure:

If stones are not excreted by themselves, surgery, ureteroscopy, or shock wave lithotripsy is conducted. Transureteral lithotripsy (TUL) is a method through which stones are removed without pain and without cutting the stomach. Preoperative patient educations:

 You are hospitalized either one day before surgery or in the morning of the day of surgery.

 If you suffer from other diseases and use medications for them, inform the treating doctor and the anesthesiologist.

 The consumption of aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs must be stopped a few days before surgery.

 The night before surgery, eat soup early in the evening and avoid eating anything after midnight (00:00 o’clock).

 Shave the parts of the body around reproductive organ.

 Before surgery, remove metal objects, lenses, and false teeth from your body and wear the special clothes for the operation room.

 An anesthesiologist examines you before surgery. Usually, spinal anesthesia is used for this surgery and there is no need for general anesthesia.

Post-operative cares:

 After gaining full consciousness, drink liquids (water, tea, compote) and then gradually eat according to your normal diet.

 You will not have any wound or dressing after surgery.

 If your stones are excreted completely, you can get discharged on the same day after anesthesia fades away.

 After surgery, all of your urine must pass through a piece of gauze to control stone excretion.

Cares at home:

 Usually, antibiotics and tranquilizers are prescribed for a few days. Use them regularly as ordered by your doctor.

 Drink lots of water since the excretion of stones might continue even for 6 weeks after surgery. To help the excretion of stones, have a sufficient level of physical activity.

 Urinate in a container to see and collect the excreted stones for later tests.

 If double-J stent is used in your surgery, it is imaged 2-3 weeks before removal to control everything related to that. Then it is removed via cystoscopy.

Alerting symptoms:

 You might excrete blood together with urine, which can be eliminated by drinking lots of water.

 As long as double-J stent is in your ureter, you will be having bloody urine.

 In cases of having fever and shivering, severe pain, nausea, and vomiting, see your doctor. Also see your doctor 2 weeks after surgery to control everything

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Last Update At : 14 March 2022